How to understand your emotions
Emotions are part of our existence. Anger, fear, joy, revenge, optimism, among many others, appear on and off in our state of mind
Emotions are reactions usually not connected to knowledge and logic. Depending on our personality type, we may more often experience certain types of emotions such as anger and resentment, or, alternatively, sadness and melancholy.
Generally speaking, positive or negative emotions are not good for our balance because we get a distorted view of reality, either in a positive or negative way, which often prevents us from seeing the reality in front of us. Of course, some positive emotions such as hope, gratitude, and euphoria can at times produce great moments and be helpful in our life and projects. However, it is better for a balanced life both personally and professionally to consider them from an even-handed and objective point of view, trying to be aware of what is really happening instead of living with a biased reality.
The variety of emotions that our mind produces depends greatly on our personality type, and they are related to this complicated layering that makes our personalities so complex and sometimes very difficult to manage.
Controlling emotions
We often suffer because of reactions that we can't seem to control. This is particularly common with negative feelings. For example, we can feel our anger welling up from within us, we see it manifesting, but we cannot stop it. A common reaction of the ego is to push us to release the negative emotion, and right after, punish us by making us feel guilty for having that reaction. Emotions are produced by our egos, a hidden part within our mind that manages that which we call our personality.
Is it possible to control our emotions? The best way of controlling them is to have as balanced a mind as possible that takes care of our body and inner self in the most beneficial way. The more balanced we are, the more present we are, the less likely our emotions will take control of us, especially negative ones. Our range of cards is an excellent tool to maintain a balanced mind with daily reminders.
Ignoring emotions
When our emotions arise, instead of trying to control them, it's beneficial to teach our mind to ignore them. Meditation is a great tool for this purpose, especially since the more we meditate, the less powerful our mind is. Think about what our mind, our ego, likes to do, which is mainly to keep us thinking, traveling back and forth into the past and future, and thereby maintaining strong control over us. Meditation is ultimately a way to lessen the power of the mind and ego because when we meditate, we try to keep our mind blank, relaxed, without thoughts, and that means the ego loses power. Less power means fewer emotions, and when we do experience them, we pay less attention to them. With a bit of practice, we can discern in our minds when a reaction, especially a negative one, is imminent. Just close your eyes for a second and let it pass. Think of all the negative consequences of releasing that waterfall of negative energy. Just observe it, and it will dissipate after a while. Ignoring emotions requires personal practice, but it is a process that will pay off with many benefits, allowing us to understand how our emotions work and in the end have a more fulfilled life.
Using emotions smartly - observing them
Emotions can also be used in a positive way. Often the emotions that arise bring us interesting insights. Observing when a feeling of anger, resentment, frustration, fear, and many others arises, allows us to see how the emotion accomplishes interesting things in our lives. For instance, when we feel angry, instead of letting the emotion take control of us, a good strategy is to look behind it and try to identify what caused this negative emotion to appear. Maybe some person, an action happening around us, or just a physical connotation we may be experiencing that day - such as sleeping poorly, for example - is the cause of our ego reacting in this way. Then we just need to observe the emotion and use it positively to see what circumstances are negatively affecting us and producing that negative emotion.
Concerning positive emotions, they often present us with a distorted picture of reality, and it is also a good exercise to observe them when they occur. If we feel happy because someone is admiring our work, we might look at due to who, why, and how this emotion is happening. This can help us understand our behavior or work, and how people around us react to it. If, for some reason, we feel a sense of euphoria - perhaps our work has been publicized, love has appeared in our life, or we've experienced some other positive feeling - it is good to use that emotion, that mood, to be productive in other matters. Use it in an intelligent way, not to boost your ego, but to harness that positive flow to improve your work performance and get things done with a positive attitude.
The problem is me, not others
One of the consequences of the distorted view of reality that emotions create in our minds is a tendency to focus on others or external circumstances as the root cause of the negative emotion. Although we can't deny there are behaviors of others that are sometimes difficult not to react to, most of the time, the cause and reason for a negative (sometimes positive) emotion lie within ourselves. We are not balanced, we are not spiritually healthy, so our ego takes control of us and triggers negative reactions that we cannot control.
Instead of focusing on others or external factors, it is better to focus inward to see what imbalance is causing us to react this way. Then, we can use our emotions to understand ourselves, what is not working, and what is causing us to react.
Meditation and silence
When are our emotions less powerful? When do we experience fewer emotions? The answer is simple: when we are more balanced and our ego is not dominating us. Among the techniques for balancing our minds and connecting with our inner selves, meditation is key. Quieting our thinking is absolutely necessary to bring calmness within us and to lessen the effect of emotions on us. Just 5-10 minutes of meditation per day is an excellent way to bring ourselves into balance.
Introducing silence into our lives is also beneficial. How often do we find ourselves speaking but with empty words? How often do we gossip? Allowing more silence into your life will also significantly increase your productivity as you use your time better and more efficiently. GRADO cards are an excellent tool to combine with meditation - the cards provide you with excellent messages to connect with your real self.
At GRADO, all of our products are created with the goal of cultivating mindfulness in your life. Inspiration and affirmation cards are designed to be useful tools to help you connect with yourself and be less influenced by your emotions.